Peru Films and Ora the Molecule's "I want to be like you"
The concept for a music video for 'I Want To Be Like You' by Norwegian artist @orathemolecule aimed at capturing the contradictory binaries that patriarchal structures place
women in. Portrayed using the lightness of slapstick humour, the team at @peru.films highlight the ludicrous nature of the regiments themselves and the subsequent victimisation
that they impose on women.
Directed by: @rhealism @tanmay.chowdhary
Featuring: @gauriwho @kvpqrstuvwxyz
Cinematography/Edit: @tanmay.chowdhary
Assistant Editor: @themehran_666
Assistant Camera: @yash_kamat
Associate Producer: @kaleshonly
Art Director: @rhealism
Title Design: @mikey_lavi
*All @s refer to Instagram profiles.